This is the list of demands that were tied to the widespread protests across France. I don’t agree with all of them, but I do agree with many. The wealthy would have you believe that they didn’t have any organization, but their goals were/are clear.
In the sphere of economy and labour protesters want:
1. To convene a national gathering for reform of taxation, as well as at the state level to prohibit taxes that exceed 25% of the income of the citizen.
2. To raise the minimum wage, pensions and a living wage by 40%.
3. To create new jobs in healthcare, education, public transportation, law enforcement to infrastructure of France functioned properly.
4. To start the construction of 5 million units of affordable housing and thus reduce the rent, mortgage, and create new jobs in the construction industry. To punish the city hall and regional administration because of whom remain homeless on the streets.
5. To cancel internal debt.
In the political sphere:
1. To change the Constitution in the interests of the sovereignty of the people and to allow referendums on people’s initiative.
2. Ban lobbying and scheme impact. To prohibit persons who have a criminal record, for life, to hold elective office and be forbidden to occupy several elected positions simultaneously.
3. To withdraw from the EU and the return of the French political, financial and economic sovereignty.
4. To stop avoiding taxes and back 80 billion euros owed to the state 40 of the largest companies. Stop privatization and return to state ownership have already been privatized airports, Railways and highways, Parking and so on.
6. To dismantle the road with radars and cameras that “do not help to prevent an accident, but a disguised tax.”
7. In the national education system: to exclude from education the ideology and view of the destructive and discredited methods of teaching.
8. In the justice sector: to increase the budget by 4 times and to provide in laws the maximum waiting time for legal procedures to make the court system more simple, and justice public and free.
9. To make public media, to prohibit the promotion. To cease to subsidize the media and provide tax privileges for mass-media and to abandon the “cronyism” between the media and politicians and break the media monopoly.
10. To make the Constitution the complete prohibition of intervention of state in education, health and the institution of the family.
In the field of environment and health:
1. At the legislative level to oblige manufacturers to extend the shelf-life of at least 10 years, and to make them available was parts.
2. To impose a ban on the production and trafficking of plastic tableware and packaging that pollutes the environment.
3. To organize national Congress on health care reform and to limit the influence of pharmaceutical companies on the health care system.
4. In the field of agriculture: to refuse GMOs, pesticides that can cause cancer and disease of the endocrine system, also prohibit the use of agricultural land without a rotation of crops.
5. By carrying out new industrialization of the country to abandon the import, which causes harm to the environment.
In the field of geopolitics:
1. To secede from NATO, and to prohibit the use of the French army in aggressive wars.
2. At the Franco-African relations: to abandon the policy of plunder, military and political intervention. To return to the African people dishonestly obtained property and funds of dictators homecoming French troops. To eliminate the colonial system, through which African countries are forced to store foreign currency reserves in the French Central Bank and to be in a state of poverty. To negotiate on equal terms.
4. To stop the flow of migrants, the adoption and integration which France has no money.
5. In foreign policy: to respect international law and signed agreements.
Recall that the protests in France continued since the beginning of November. The most ambitious promotions took place in Paris on 1 and 8 December. In particular, 8 December police have used tear gas and pushed back with shields the demonstrators, known as “yellow jackets.” Also for the first time since 2005 in the streets of Paris brought armored personnel carriers. On the streets appeared first barricade.